Hartford Business Brokers -
Business Sale Experts

The Difficult Business of Selling A Business

Submitted byHTFDBUS onSun, 06/23/2024 - 09:00

As a Business Owner you do know when its time to sell ........Being Being So Busy........ Many Times Business Owners Don’t Know Where to Start the Selling Process ........

After building your business up for 5-10-20-25 years or more from something small to what it is today you are now confronted with the task of selling your business. However the challenge you face can have you stumped. In the course of building your business what prepared you for what you want to do today? You don’t get in business to sell a business. But your "gut" is telling you something. It's saying it's time to go...........

Some owners will ask when does the owner of a business know when it’s time to sell? The answer is two-fold; first the owner in his or her gut will tell them that. The very same instincts you have relied upon over all of those years of building the business now telegraphs you that message “it’s time to sell, it’s time to sell”.

The 2nd confirmation you will have that the time is right is when your gut has told you this and your brain confirms what your gut told you to do………

You’re not alone; it’s a common problem for business owners. You develop all the skills needed to make your company successful, sales finance, marketing, building a workforce and increasing revenues and profits each year. If you sell your company only once – and you botch it- all your years of hard work spent building the business can be wasted.

If you want to do it right…. once, hire a professional – hire a Business Broker. The Broker will value the business using industry values and multipliers. The Broker will prepare you to sell by asking for reams of business records and operational information.

The Broker will discretely advertise the business, screen buyers for both experience and financial capability. Above all, the Broker will take you out of the process of selling the business so you can continue to run the business.

Business Broker “success fees” or “commissions” are a percentage of the sale price – and only paid at a successful closing.

Consider hiring the “professionals” at Hartford Business Brokers. We have over 90 years of combined experience in scores of industries and markets. We will get the job done right… the first time.

Need more information to make an informed decision? Call  Hartford Business Brokers at (203) 552-2381 Everything we talk about is confidential.